Okay... so a few things happened during my leave of absence:
1. I had to switch comps.
2. I had to re-install flash several times.
3. I am now public schooled.
4. my puppy died.
All of the previous things kept me ( 1 and 3 are going to keep me for some time) from making anything substantial for here. On an up side, I have a few things to report. I have to put fatal escape on hold for now. A lot of work was lost in the transfer of comp 2 comp. All three of you are going to have to wait. : ) I have decided to splice Phoenix Wright's style with the multiple day system of a dating sim to make... A game I haven't decided what to name!!! I'll think of a name eventually but if you have any ideas, let me know. I'll give you due credit. and maybe a spiral ham, i don't know...
On that same note, if you compose music and want to help with the game, give me a hand. PLEASE. The closest thing I have to a music composer is Mario paint.
Holy shit your an animator? xD